The Engraved Diary

  The Engraved Diary Vocational School of Fine and Applied Arts Budapest In their art-focused project, the students meticulously document the peculiar vestiges of school life (such as the squiggles on school desks), thereby building a bridge between the present and the soon-to-be-faded past.

The Engraved Diary 2019-10-02T16:28:58+00:00

Age Limit

  AGE LIMIT Kölcsey Ferenc Secondary School Budapest The students in the workshop have conceptualised a fictional game that investigates the conditions and situations that may be encountered on our planet by a researcher from an imaginary future. The medium of exploration is photography,

Age Limit 2019-10-02T16:05:09+00:00


  DemoLabrador Karinthy Frigyes Secondary School Budapest This year the students investigate our era’s communities and work to lay the framework of a society-to-come, with which they situate last year’s research topic, anthropocene, in a broader context. They examine and research family, gender roles,

DemoLabrador 2019-10-02T16:19:19+00:00

Experiential City

  Experiential City Youth Counselling Office, The workshop focuses on the Karancs Hotel, an iconic building of the ex-socialist industrial town of Salgótarján. The participants research its past, engage with its present and design what they would like it to be in the future,

Experiential City 2019-10-02T16:31:17+00:00