Demolab-Szeged Group

  DemoLab-Szeged Group Radnóti Miklós Experimental Secondary School, Szeged Our main goal is to realise and fine tune the idea of a ’Motivation Centre’. We have in mind an open Space which anyone can visit for inspiration, studying or just having a rest and

Demolab-Szeged Group 2019-10-02T16:09:30+00:00

VMG -There has always been a thought!

  VMG -There has always been a thought ! Vörösmarty Secondary School   Érd mind war, spontaneity, camp, society, enlightenment, French fries, time, imagination, conversation, voting, creating, adventures, vision, history, community, achievement, unity, liberation, laughter, utopia, art, I don’t know, happiness, voting, freedom, friends,

VMG -There has always been a thought! 2019-10-02T16:02:12+00:00


  SZIVBUNKI-BÖKD MÁR KI! Pécs Art School, Pécs   Three projects took shape in the senior year. ‘Bunker’ in school. The aim is to make school cosier, to have a comfortable corner, nook where students can settle down with their objects reminding them of

SZIVBUNKI-BÖKD MÁR KI! 2019-10-02T16:25:17+00:00

San Miguel de la Isla

  San Miguel de la Isla Batthyány Kázmér Secondary School, Szigetszentmiklós   Our workshop deals with people’s soul and discusses the mental and social traps we fall into day by day almost imperceptibly. Have we become so impressionable that media and its effect have

San Miguel de la Isla 2019-09-16T10:36:12+00:00

Bright Mirror

  bRIGHT Mirror Kempelen Farkas Secondary School, Budapest ’The mirror reveals, focuses our attention on ourselves, or our place in the world. In many cases it distorts the picture or can blind you, but somehow it leads us back to reality. This metaphor was

Bright Mirror 2019-10-02T16:16:04+00:00